Pest Control
When dealing with insect infestation, we at Urban Herpetologist like to use an Integrated Pest Management approach. This means we approach the insect/pest issue using a pesticide free approach with habitat modification, or just simply sanitation of the area in question - keeping the house clean and moving to pesticide if necessary. You would be surprised how well a clean house can help with your insect problems! Below is a list of the insects and pests I can help you get rid of (including but not limited to):
- Ticks
- Mosquito
- Flea
- Spiders (black widow, brown recluse, wolf spiders)
- Bees
- Hornets
- Wasp
- Yellow jackets
- Carpenter bee
- Ants
- Carpenter ants
- Cockroaches
- Flies
- Fruit flies
- Drain flies
- Carpet beetle
- Silverfish
- Asian lady bird beetles (lady bugs)
- Stink bug
- Pantry pests (Indian meal moth, Mediterranean meal moth)
- Camel back crickets (sprickets)
- Termites